Want To Become A Steward? 3 Things You Should Do

Posted on: 16 August 2016


A career as a steward can be quite rewarding. Perhaps the best part about it is that don't necessarily need to have college-level education in order to work as a flight attendant and your high school diploma might just suffice. However, there's always cut-throat competition for available employment opportunities thanks to the lucrative nature of careers in the aviation industry,

This article discusses three things you need to do in order to increase your chances of landing that dream job.

Polish Your Physical Appearance

Image is everything in the aviation industry. As a steward, you'll be the face of your employer because clients (passengers) will get to interact with you more often than anyone else employed by the airline. Thus, your physical appearance needs to be perfect.

If you have cracked teeth, you need get veneers for those teeth before you start sending out applications. If your teeth are chipped, you need to get them polished and smoothened. If they're discoloured, you need to have them whitened.  If they're crooked, you need to get braces in order to straighten them before you're ready for your first interview.

Also, if you have tattoos that are visible, you need to get rid of them. It's unlikely that you'll land a job as a steward with such tattoos. Unfortunately, laser removal might be your only option and this might be quite the expense.

Learn A Second Or Third Language

The opportunity to travel to different parts of the world is one of the perks that come with a career as a steward. As you travel, you'll get to interact with people who don't speak English. You'll meet a large number of these people in the line of duty and you still have to attend to their needs despite their being a language barrier.

Get into language school and learn a second or third language. This should increase your eligibility for a career in the skies by a significant margin.

Look For A Reputable Recruitment Agency

Airlines will seldom hire their staff directly. They delegate this duty to third party recruitment agencies. A recruitment agency will create and keep a portfolio that includes your academic credentials, photos of you, and other bits of information that are relevant to the position you're interested in.

Once an airline informs the agency that they're hiring, your portfolio will be forwarded for consideration. Remember that there are age limits for anyone seeking employment as a steward. The earlier you get things going, the better.